Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rick Warren: "we" should "take out" the Iranian president


Warren uses Romans 13 as his precedent.


I was uneasy about this as soon as I heard about it last week. I couldn’t get comfortable with this and couldn’t find the organized thoughts to make how I felt about this jell. Rick Davis to the rescue.


Rick Davis is an acquaintance who pastors Brock Baptist Church, Brock, Texas (update). Rick is running a series of posts organized around Advent. In today’s post, he addresses Warren and the aforementioned statement.


Rick said, “He is wrong religiously. Romans 13 sanctioned an all-powerful, non-Christian government that did evil in the eyes of God as a matter of routine. The Roman government was not going to last. The Kingdom of God was going to continue.”


Wow! That is what I was searching for, but he didn’t stop there.


“He is wrong as a matter of law. In a state of war, would we have hesitated to kill a Stalin, a Hitler or a Mussolini? The difference in those situations is apparent. We are not yet at war with Iran

He is wrong demographically. Will Iran soon run out of two-bit dictators who aggrandize themselves by America-hating?

 He is wrong geo-politically. As a policy, murder has its echoes. You can still hear them in Dealey Plaza.”

I commend Rick’s entire post to you.




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